Easily file your claim by downloading the appropriate form and preparing the required documents listed below.

Please reach out to our Claims team at claims@allianz.sg.

For WICA claims, please reach out to our Claims team at  wicaclaims@allianz.sg.

For Motor Claims, please reach out to our Motor Claims team at  claims@allianz.com.sg.

Alternatively, please reach out to our Customer Service team at +65 6222 1919.

For Work Injury Compensation Insurance claims, please reach out to our Claims team at  wicaclaims@allianz.sg.


To be submitted within 10-days from the day incident report is filed:-

a)       The employee’s payslips for the 12-months prior to the date of accident (if medical leave or light duty is given);

b)      Work Permit (for non-Singaporeans)


To be submitted once available:-

a)       Completed Work Injury Claim Form;

b)      Original medical bills/invoices, original medical certificates;

c)       Copy of Inpatient Discharge Summary in case of a hospital admission;

d)      Copy of the company’s Incident/Investigation Report (if the accident happens at project site, please obtain the Incident report lodged by Main-con);

e)      Copy of the Contract Agreement for cases involving contract works;

f)        Copy of the Death Certificate/Autopsy/Coronary Report (in case of a death);

g)       Copy of the police report/investigation result in case of a road accident;

h)      Other supporting documents which may be relevant.

Please prepare the following documents to submit your group personal accident insurance claim:

a)       Claim form;

b)      Medical bills/invoices;

c)       Copy of Inpatient Discharge Summary in case of a hospital admission;

d)      A&E summary or Doctor memo.

Please prepare the following information and documents to submit your general property insurance claim:

a)       Date, time and location of accident;

b)      Identify the property/item(s) damaged;

c)       Coloured photographs of the damaged property;

d)      Circumstance leading to the occurrence of incident;

e)      Estimated repair/replacement cost (e.g. material, labour and general services, etc.), if available.

To streamline your liability insurance claim, please gather the following detailed information and documents before submission:

1.       Name and full contact particulars of third-party property owner and/or injured party;

2.       Name of Claimant (claimant maybe the aggrieved party’s representative);

3.       In cases where Personal Injury has been alleged, provide nature and extent of allegations, where possible;

4.       Provide a detailed written report giving all circumstances surrounding the event leading to the claim specifically detailing the following:

a)       Place and date of loss;

b)      When first notification of loss was received;

c)       How did you become aware of the loss, i.e. in writing or verbal;

d)      What type of loss is involved? Parties to the loss, if applicable?

e)      If you are aware, describe the exact cause of loss. Is there any contributory negligence, i.e., did something or someone else contribute to the accident. Where possible, preserve the cause of accident for evidence.

5.       In cases involving goods or products liability:

a)       Identify the locations of goods or products;

b)       Identify the Manufacturer and/or Supplier of the Products/Goods;

c)        Identify the Distributor responsible for the distribution of the said Goods/Products. Provide a copy of any contract with the Distributor  applicable at the time of loss;

d)       Preserve the goods or products for possible failure analysis.

6.       Submit all correspondence, contract documents, newspaper articles, police enquiries and reports, in addition to the claim form which insurers will also submit for your completion.

7.       Specific documentation is likely to be required depending on the specific circumstances of the incident and type of claim.

Where a claim has been made, the following information and documents are required.

Section A. Information Required

1.     Date of claim, or, where a writ has been served:-

(a)    Date of filing of writ;

(b)    Date of service of writ;

(c) (i)  Whether any claim or demand was made prior to the writ; and

(c) (ii)   If so, the date(s) of the prior claim or demand.

2.    Date when the alleged event or incident occurred

3.    Date of discovery

4.     Identity of party making the claim

5.     Identity of claimant’s lawyers, if any

6.     Identity of Insured Person(s) against whom claim is made:-

(a)   Name of Insured Person

(b)    Position held when the alleged event or incident occurred.

7.     Identity of Law Firm and Defence Counsel on record appointed by Insured Person, if any

8.     Details as to the hourly rates of Defence Counsel.

9.      Relationship of claimant to the Insured Organisation and / or Insured Person

10.    Description of the claim including a description of the allegations made by claimant.

11.    Potential damage:-

(a)      Actual amount claimed; or

(b)      If not quantified, estimated quantum of loss, if any

12.      Any other relevant information.


Section B. Documents required

1.       Copy of letter of claim and/or letter of demand (e.g., letter from claimant making the allegations and/or claim), if any

2.       Copy of all court documents to date (if any), including:-

3.       Writ of Summons

4.       Statement of Claim

5.       Counter-claim

6.       Defences

7.       Replies

8.       Affidavits (including all attachments thereto),

9.       Copy of all relevant contract(s) and/or agreement(s) between the parties, if any;

10.     Copy of the Human Resource File on the Plaintiff,

11.     Copy of all relevant correspondence between the parties, if any (e.g. emails, internal memo(s), letter(s), minute(s) or record(s) of meeting(s))

12.     Copy of internal investigation report (including all attachments thereto), if any

13.     Copy of all domestic enquiry reports (including all attachments thereto), if any

14.     Copy of curriculum vitae of Defence Counsel appointed by Insured Organisation and / or Insured Person

15.     Copy of legal opinion, if any, rendered by Defence Counsel in respect of the matter

16.     Any other relevant document, if any (for example, police reports).

Please ensure you have the following documents ready to submit your marine cargo claim efficiently:

a)       Original negotiable ocean bill of lading, or copy of the air waybill and/or inland railway or trucker’s bill of lading

b)      Commercial Invoice or document supporting the value of the entire shipment.

c)       Delivery receipt or bill of lading with exceptions – notation for shortage and damage claims. 

d)      Inland freight bills.

e)      Packing list/slip (documents needed for non- delivery / shortage shipment losses).

f)        Dock receipts ( usually requested for ocean transport shipments with connecting conveyances).

g)       Copy of written claim notice issued and sent to the transportation carrier.

h)      Itemized statement of claim with supporting repair/replacement cost Invoices.

i)        Photographs of damaged shipment, only if taken on the day of delivery.

j)        The transportation carrier’s inspection report, only if they conducted an inspection and left you a copy.

k)       Written confirmation of shipment non- delivery or shipment tracer results from transportation carrier.